Paul Dean-Kelly
Throughout his long career in voice over Paul has worked in pretty much every area of the business, from animation, games and documentary, to TV and radio commercials. A few years back he was the voice of Jaguar Cars in the US. Other clients include McDonalds, Xbox and Unilever.
Paul has a strong background in promos, voicing hundreds of projects for the BBC alone in his native England and can easily modify his delivery to suit any given subject from serious news items to comedy shows.
As a trained actor, Paul not only has the warm and trustworthy tone required by many corporate clients, but also the range and versatility desired by the broadcasting and entertainment industry. He's also an outstanding comic impressionist, able to take on a host of characters and accents, at the drop of a microphone!
Say What?
"We know what we are but know not what we may be." ~ William Shakespeare
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